We believe that every child can excel.
Our curriculum will inspire and empower every child, through rich and memorable experiences, to flourish in their learning and live a fulfilled life, confidently equipped with a breadth and depth of knowledge to play an active and informed role in society. Through the curriculum, students will have encounters with the very best: arts, culture, sports, sciences, technology and industry.
Here at Frogmore Community College we view the curriculum as comprising the entire planned learning experience.
We believe that we are all learning all of the time and we structure our days, weeks and terms to maximise the learning opportunities for all young people in the school. We want our students to enjoy and be engaged in learning from the minute they arrive to the minute they leave. As such, tutor periods, assemblies, subject lessons, lunchtime and after-school activities, off-site visits and various enrichment opportunities are all seen as vital parts of the school’s planned curriculum.
To view curriculum information for each subject, including how parents can help their child with their studies, please visit the Subjects area.
The Subject-based Curriculum: Key Stage 3
We recognise the tremendous wealth of knowledge, skills and understanding that our students arrive with from their time at primary school and we work hard to both celebrate this and build upon it so that students make rapid progress.
In years 7 to 9 students are taught the National Curriculum programmes of study. In addition, students study dance and drama as well as the locally agreed syllabus for RE. The level of challenge rapidly builds over the three years so that students are fully prepared for the challenges of their examination subjects in key stage 4.
For more information about our key stage 3 curriculum and how you can support your child, please view the presentations from our curriculum information evenings below:
year 7 curriculum evening presentation 2023.pdf
years 8 and 9 curriculum evening presentation 2023.pdf
2023/2024 further updates coming soon
The Subject-based Curriculum: Key Stage 4
In the examined core subjects of English, maths and science, we make sure that work is effectively tailored to students’ needs and regularly review courses and specifications offered to ensure they provide the best opportunities for success for our students.
Also compulsory for all students at key stage 4 are PE, RE and PSHCE.
Every year we survey students to ensure that the options subjects we are offering meet the needs of the specific cohort.
Despite our small size, we work hard to offer a wide variety of subjects alongside the compulsory core.
For more information about our key stage 4 curriculum and how you can support your child, please view the presentations from our curriculum information evenings below:
year 10 parent partnership meeting september 2024.pdf
For more information about the key stage 4 curriculum, visit our interactive options site:
Equality Act 2010 and SEND Regulations 2014
In line with the school's Equalities Policy and in line with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Regulations 2014, the curriculum at Frogmore Community College will:
- be accessible to all abilities and will equally meet the needs and interests of all students
- be set in its cultural contexts and will make individuals aware of alternative cultures, where possible
- provide examples which challenge stereotyped expectations and classroom materials and assessments will avoid stereotyping
- provide explicit opportunities to explore equal opportunity issues within PSHCE and tutor time
- promote positive attitudes to cultural diversity, gender equality, disability and special education needs through schemes of learning , resource materials and effective classroom displays
- develop teaching methods and styles which take into account the diversity of students’ needs.
For further information or to someone about the curriculum at Frogmore Community College, please contact Mrs Sara Downes, deputy headteacher