Personal Development and PSHCE
Subject Leader: Mrs V Delehanty
Personal, social and health citizenship, and economic education is delivered to all students as an integral part of the tutorial programme. As well as a vibrant programme within the vertical tutor group sessions every morning, on Wednesdays, students work within their year group on specific PSHCE topics. We encourage discussion and active engagement by all so that the most pressing issues of the day are addressed and students are empowered to make healthy and informed choices. The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programme is also predominantly taught through the PSHCE curriculum. You can view the RSE curriculum here.
For more detailed information about the curriculum for every year and how parents can support, please see the following curriculum maps:
- KS3 PSHCE Reading List
- KS4 PSHCE Reading List
- Year 10 PSHCE Curriculum
- Year 11 PSHCE Curriculum
- Year 7 PSHCE Curriculum
- Year 8 PSHCE Curriculum
- Year 9 PSHCE Curriculum