For a student to reach their full educational achievement a high level of school attendance is essential.
We are committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all our students and endeavour to provide an environment where all students feel valued and welcome. Parents and students play a part in making our school so successful.
We were delighted to be recognised by the Fischer Family Trust as being in the top 25% of schools for attendance in the first term of 2023/24.
If you know your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, medical appointments or for any other reason, please contact the school on the first day of absence.
This can be done by calling 01252 408444 and choosing option “1”. If earlier than 8.15am, a message will be taken on the answer phone. If we do not receive a phone call/letter, a call will be made home from the school.
If your child is absent for more than one day, please email for the attention of Mrs Lauren Grimes with a reason for your child’s absence.
If your child has a medical appointment, the school needs to be informed prior to the appointment. Please report this appointment in writing to All students will need to sign in and out at reception when they arrive or leave school.
Being on time is vital. Please note that morning registration is at 8.45am and afternoon registration is at 1.15pm.
If your child is late for any reason, they need to sign in at reception with a valid reason. Should your child be late to school, they will need to complete a 'reason for lateness' form and hand it in that day. Should they fail to submit the form, an after school detention will be set. A copy of the 'reason for lateness' form will be sent to parents. Ten instances of unauthorised lateness may result in a Penalty Notice being issued.
Leave of absence requests
Should you have a legitimate reason for your child needing to be absent during school time, a leave of absence request form needs to be collected from reception or downloaded below.
This needs to be submitted at least two weeks prior to any absence for the attention of the Attendance and Welfare Officer. A decision about whether to approve the absence will be made by the Headteacher. Please bear in mind that leave of absence will only be approved in exceptional circumstances. Holidays during term time will not be authorised by the school and may lead to the issuing of a Penalty Notice. Please bear in mind when booking your holiday to check term dates. These are always available from the school and on the school website should you not have them.
Request for Authorised Absence Form
Leave of absence policy
Frogmore Infant and Junior Schools, Hawley and Potley Hill Primary Schools and Frogmore Community College have worked in very close partnership to produce a common policy for leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday. This has been done to ensure continuity and consistency for all students and to minimise the disruption to the learning of students at key times.
- Requests for leave are only authorised if there are extenuating circumstances up to a maximum of 5 days.
- Absence will not be authorised for any student, or sibling of that student, whose attendance over the previous 12 months is below the school’s attendance target.
- Absence will not be authorised for any student, or sibling of that student, during key points of their school career.
Each of the partner schools will liaise with any schools with siblings on roll to ensure that this policy is consistently applied.
We obviously acknowledge that there will sometimes be extenuating circumstances and will continue to work with you and with our partner schools in these situations. In all cases the Headteacher’s decision is final.
We thank parents/carers for your support in this matter.