Medical & Student Welfare
Our aim as a school is to ensure that students with specific medical needs are fully supported and cared for both in school and during school trips and visits.
Permanent or long term needs
If a student has a specific medical condition which may cause them to need special arrangements whilst in school, parents are asked to contact the Attendance & Welfare Officer (Lauren Grimes) at school to discuss this.
Appropriate measures, which may include an individual health care plan, will be drawn up and implemented and relevant staff notified, in agreement with parents.
Lauren Grimes must be made aware of any students who suffer with allergies. If an epipen is needed, it must be supplied in a named, sealed container, with a recent photo attached, and it will be kept in a locked cupboard in the medical room. The student should also carry an epipen on them at all times, which must be clearly labelled and in a protective container.
Short term needs
Information about short term health issues should be directed to Lauren Grimes (Attendance and Welfare Officer) who can then assess how the needs of the student may best be served. Measures will be put in place to assist the student whilst they are at school.
For the safety of all the students in the school, all prescribed medication (except inhalers for asthma) must be handed in to reception for safe keeping. This should be in a clearly marked container/envelope. Arrangements can be made for one week’s supply of medication to be brought into school for supervised administering. Students are not allowed to carry their own medication. Students who do have prescribed inhalers should carry a labelled one with them at all times.
Teaching and support staff are unable to administer medicines unless they have been specifically trained to do so and have signed permission from a parent. School staff are unable to dispose of unused medicines. Parents are responsible for both their collection and disposal.
Unexpected ill health
If a student begins to feel unwell during the day they should report to reception, with permission being gained from a member of staff during lesson time.
If, after an initial assessment and a short period of recovery in the Medical Room, the student is considered to be too unwell to remain in school, parents will be asked to arrange for their child to be taken home. It is vital, therefore, that emergency contact numbers are kept updated with changes notified as a matter of urgency.
We are able to administer mild pain relief medication to students with parental consent. We request this consent on your child’s admission to the school. If you wish to change your consent decision at any point, please contact the school reception and ask to speak to the Attendance and Welfare Officer, Lauren Grimes.
The Medical Room is to be used for emergencies only and students are discouraged from going there except when really unwell. This room is not a rest room.
School Nursing Service
The School Nursing Service works in partnership with children, young people and their families to ensure that children’s health needs are supported within their school and their community.
Their webpages provide health information and links to websites that we feel may be helpful to parents of school age children and young people.
When should my child stay home?
When your child is unwell it can be hard deciding whether to keep them off school. Not every illness will prevent a child from attending school. For guidance around whether your child should go to school you may find it helpful to visit the NHS Choices page