Performing Arts

Line Manager: Mr G Davies 

Performing Arts at Frogmore:

Within the performing arts faculty we aim to introduce students to the art of performing, creating and analysing within dance, drama and music.

We encourage our students to have a go, take a risk and strive for excellence in the arts. To achieve this, we offer a range of experiences for students to try different art forms but also deepen and improve their existing skills as performing artists.

The Curriculum at Key Stage 3:

Within the key stage 3 curriculum, students are taught for one lesson each week in dance, drama and music.

These lessons are based around the core principles of creating, performing and analysing within the performing arts. The students are introduced to a range of styles, skills and techniques within these lessons with a focus on enriching their understanding of collaboration, creativity and innovation. The key stage 3 curriculum aims to prepare those students who may wish to continue their studies into GCSE and beyond as well as providing an enriching arts experience for those who don’t.

The Curriculum at Key Stage 4:

Dance, drama and music are all offered as GCSE subjects at Frogmore. Each subject is taught by a specialist teacher of that art form in order to stretch and challenge the students within their craft.

Each GCSE course combines both practical and theoretical components to prepare the students for many different pathways beyond school. To further support and embed their learning at GCSE, students are involved in a range of performance opportunities and trips throughout the two years, such as chamber concerts, performance evenings, feedback performances, trips to local and London theatres as well as workshops with professionals in the industry.

Subject Enrichment:

There is a wide scope of opportunity for students to be involved in the Performing Arts extra-curricular programme at Frogmore. Clubs enable students try different styles and enhance their training in the arts.

These include In-Harmony, Percussion, Musical Theatre, Street Dance, Contemporary Dance and Technique classes. Students can also be involved in a range of performance opportunities including the Christmas Concert, Gremlin Dance Challenge, school production and student led showcases. Furthermore, theatre trips to London and the local area are organised for groups of key stage 3 and 4 students to enhance the learning in lessons. Workshops and guest artists are also invited in to work with our students at Frogmore.

For more detailed information about the curriculum for every year and how parents can support, please see the following curriculum maps:

Show list Show Grid

 Further information:

GCSE Dance

GCSE Drama

GCSE Music


  • "Everyone is welcome and included in everything.” Oliver, Y9
  • “I feel comfortable talking to teachers or adults around school about my worries.” Connie, Y10
  • “The best things about being at Frogmore is the tutor groups, as you get to be around older and younger years to get and give advice.” Georgia, Y8
  • “Every member of staff cares.”  Oliver, Y8
  • “All the teachers help push you to the best of your ability.”  Chloe, Y8
  • “I think the best thing about Frogmore Community College is that the teachers are always there to help and your voice is heard by them.” Mollie, Y8
  • “The teachers are always helpful in lesson and will always help when you don't understand.”  Madison, Y9
  • “The environment is well cared for and the school is diverse and inclusive.” Serynna, Y8
  • “I think that the one of the best things is the diverse range of subjects.”  Hiba, Y7
  • “I feel happy and positive every day when I am at school.”  Jake, Y7